Dr Seuss Books In Order (The Cat in the Hat, The Grinch, The Lorax, Horton…)

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American children’s author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and more, Theodor Seuss Geisel is known for his work writing and illustrating books under the pen name Dr. Seuss. He created famous characters like The Cat in the Hat, The Grinch, The Lorax, Horton, and wrote classics that helped children to read, listen, and accept others. As one of the most popular children’s authors of all time, Dr. Seuss’s books have topped many bestseller lists, sold over 222 million copies, and been translated into more than 15 languages.

How to Read Dr. Seuss’ Books In Order?

  • And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street (1937) – “A plain horse and wagon on Mulberry Street grows into a story that no one can beat!” In this delightful tale, Young Marco allows his imagination to run riot as he travels home from school one day, to the extent that a horse and cart is soon transformed into a chaotic carnival of colourful creatures.
  • The 500 Hats Of Bartholomew Cubbins (1938) – Bartholomew Cubbins is in trouble, and all because he won’t take his hat off for the king! But he has, hasn’t he…? Find out what happens in this clever tale of magic and mayhem!
  • The King’s Stilts (1939) – It’s the story of a devoted king who works hard and plays hard-and whose entire kingdom is threatened when his beloved stilts are stolen and he is too distraught to do his job.
  • Horton Hatches the Egg (1940) – Everyone laughs when Horton the Elephant offers to sit on Mayzie bird’s egg while she goes on holiday. Horton’s kindness and faithfulness are sorely tested when he, and the egg, are kidnapped and sold to a circus – but his reward for being faithful is more wonderful than he could ever have dreamed!
  • McElligot’s Pool (1947) – A boy named Marco is fishing in a small, trash-filled pond known as McElligot’s Pool. A local farmer laughs at the boy and tells him that he will never be able to catch anything. Nevertheless, Marco holds out hope and begins to imagine a scenario in which he might be able to catch a fish.
  • Thidwick The Big-Hearted Moose (1948) – Poor Thidwick’s generosity proves the adage that no good deed goes unpunished, and soon everyone, from a tiny Bingle Bug to a huge bear, is taking advantage of our antlered hero.
  • Bartholomew And The Oobleck (1949) – Bored with rain, sunshine, fog, and snow, King Derwin of Didd summons his royal magicians to create something new and exciting to fall from the sky. What he gets is a storm of sticky green goo called Oobleck-which soon wreaks havock all over his kingdom! But with the assistance of the wise page boy Bartholomew, the king (along with young readers) learns that the simplest words can sometimes solve the stickiest problems.
  • If I Ran the Zoo (1950) – Gerald McGrew dreams of transforming his local zoo into a madcap menagerie of wierd and wonderful beasts. His New Zoo, McGrew Zoo would be “better than Noah’s whole Ark”, with an amazing array of animals, ranging from the incredible Thwerll, whose legs are snarled up in a terrible snerl, to the family of Joats, whose feet are like cows’ but wear squirrel-skin coats!
  • Scrambled Eggs Super! (1953) – Peter T. Hooper brags to his sister, Liz, in his mother’s kitchen about what a good cook he is. He tells the story of how, when he became fed up with the taste of regular scrambled eggs using hen’s eggs, he decided to scramble eggs from other birds. He tells of how he travelled great distances and discovered a variety of exotic birds and their eggs.
  • Horton Hears A Who! (1954) – In the colorful Jungle of Nool, Horton discovers something that at first seems impossible: a tiny speck of dust contains an entire miniature world–Who-ville–complete with houses and grocery stores and even a mayor! But when no one will stand up for the Whos of Who-ville, Horton uses his elephant-sized heart to save the day.
  • On Beyond Zebra (1955) – The young narrator, not content with the confines of the ordinary alphabet, reports on additional letters beyond Z, with a fantastic creature corresponding to each new letter. For example, the letter “FLOOB” is the first letter in Floob-Boober-Bab-Boober-Bubs, which have large buoyant heads and float serenely in the water.
  • If I Ran The Circus (1956) – Young Morris McGurk’s has a BIG imagination. He wants to turn the vacant lot behind Sneelock’s Store into the Circus McGurkus-the most colossal, stupendous, tremendous show in the world! Here you’ll be entertained by bizarre creatures like the Drum-Tummied Snum, the Juggling Jott, and the Harp-Twanging Snarp, and fantastic circus acts performed by Sneelock-a sleepy shop keeper whom Morris images as the daredevil star of his big top!
  • The Cat in the Hat (1957) – Poor Dick and Sally. It’s cold and wet and they’re stuck in the house with nothing to do…until a giant cat in a hat shows up, transforming the dull day into a madcap adventure and almost wrecking the place in the process!
  • How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1957) – The Grinch, whose heart is two sizes too small, hates Who-ville’s holiday celebrations, and plans to steal all the presents to prevent Christmas from coming. To his amazement, Christmas comes anyway, and the Grinch discovers the true meaning of the holiday.
  • Yertle The Turtle And Other Stories (1958) – Yertle, king of the pond, stands on his subjects in an attempt to reach higher than the Moon–until the bottom turtle burps and he falls into the mud, ending his rule. And two other stories.
  • The Cat In The Hat Comes Back! (1958) – The Cat is back-along with some surpise friends-in this beloved Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss. Dick and Sally have no time to play. It’s winter and they have mountains of snow to shovel. So when the Cat comes to visit, he decides to go inside and to take a bath. No problem, right? Wrong!
  • Happy Birthday To You! (1959) – In a fantastic land called Katroo, the Birthday Bird throws the reader an amazing party on their special day. It consists of a running description of a fantastical celebration, narrated in the second person, of the reader’s birthday, from dawn to late night.
  • Green Eggs And Ham (1960) – Follow Sam I Am as he tries to convince an acquaintance that green eggs and ham is, indeed, a delectable meal to be savored everywhere and every way.
  • One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (1960) – In this hilarious exploration of opposites, colours, numbers and nonsense, Dr. Seuss paints a crazy world of singing Yings, boxing Goxes and seven-hump Wumps!
  • The Sneetches And Other Stories (1961) – The Sneetches got really quite smart on that day, The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches. And no kind of Sneetch is the best of the beaches.
  • Dr Seuss’s Sleep Book (1962) – A yawn is quite catching, you see. Like a cough. It just takes one yawn to start other yawns off. Dr. Seuss spins a sleep-tastic tale about a very small bug and a very big yawn that spreads and spreads.
  • Dr Seuss’s ABC (1963) – An alphabet book with zany drawings and nonsensical verse provides an entertaining way for small children to learn the letters and their sounds.
  • Hop on Pop (1963) – See Red and Ned and Ted and Ed in a bed. And giggle as Pat sits on a hat and on a cat and on a bat . . . but a cactus? Pat must NOT sit on that!
  • Fox In Socks (1965) – The irrepressible Fox in Socks teaches a baffled Mr. Knox some of the slickest, quickest tongue-twisters in town.
  • I Had Trouble In Getting To Solla Sollew (1965) – When our hero stubs his toe, he decides to find a less troublesome place to live. Soon he’s off on a journey “to the City of Solla Sollew, on the banks of the beautiful River Wah-Hoo, where they never have troubles! At least, very few.
  • The Cat in the Hat Song Book (1967) – This classically wacky songbook with lyrics by Dr. Seuss and a musical score by Eugene Poddany contains 19 unforgettable songs for the beginning singer. There are lively songs like “Plinker Plunker” and “The No Laugh Race,” bedtime songs like “Lullaby for Mr. Benjamin B. Bickelbaum,” and just plain silly songs like “Cry a Pint.”
  • The Foot Book (1968) – Explore all different kinds of feet, from fast to slow, front to back, big and small, and learn about opposites!
  • I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! And Other Stories (1969) – This collection of three rhyming stories by Dr. Seuss features a whole litter of Cat in the Hat-like cats! In “I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today!” a boastful cat bites off more than he can chew in the shape of 30 tigers; in “King Louie Katz”–a tale about tails–a single cat challenges authority and creates a more “demo-catic” society; and in “The Glunk That Got Thunk,” a cat thinks up something so wild, she needs to un-thunk it!
  • My Book About Me (1969) – Tell your own story with a little help from Dr. Seuss in this DIY dream activity book that’s all about YOU!
  • I Can Draw It Myself (1970) – The full-color images in this book are all unfinished. Some are missing small things, like legs or feet or hair. Some are missing BIG things, like the whole front half of a Hamika-Snamika-Bamika-Bunt! It’s up to the reader to add what’s missing.
  • Mr Brown Can Moo! Can You? (1970) – Moo moo! Hoo hoo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Oh, the wonderful sounds Mr. Brown can do. Now see if you can do them too!
  • The Lorax (1971) – I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. Experience the beauty of the Truffula Trees and the danger of taking our earth for granted in a story that is timely, playful, and hopeful.
  • Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! (1972) – Marvin K. Mooney’s welcome has been worn out! Marvin is asked to leave by every conceivable means of transportation. He can leave by lion’s tail or stamp himself and go by mail. By stilts or Crunk-Car or Zumble-Zay, it’s time that Marvin was on his way. Will Marvin ever get the hint?
  • Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? (1973) – “When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue,when you start to get mad . . .you should do what I do!” So begins the terrific advice of the wise old man in the Desert of Drize.
  • The Shape Of Me And Other Stuff (1973) – Looking at ordinary shapes is great when seen through the eyes of the remarkable Dr. Seuss, but of course it’s the extraordinary shapes that really make an impression. Would you want to be shaped like a BLOGG?
  • Great Day For Up (1974) – People, animals, birds, balls and planes and balloons and kites being up, and the citizens being wide awake up and ready for the day, except one boy who sleeps in the house in his bed in his room and doesn’t want to get up.
  • There’s a Wocket in my Pocket! (1974) – A young boy goes exploring in his house and finds an array of fun characters! Are you certain there’s a Jertain in the curtain? Or have you ever had a feeling there’s a Geeling on the ceiling?
  • Oh, The Thinks You Can Think! (1975) – The book is about the many amazing ‘thinks’ one can think and the endless possibilities and dreams that imagination can create.
  • I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (1978) – The Cat in the Hat can read in purple and in brown, in a circle and even upside down! Can he teach Young Cat to do the same? A perfect stepping stone for emerging readers to show off their skills, this book will show kids all the wonderful ways and wonderful things you can read.
  • Oh Say Can You Say? (1979) – This riotous collection weaves together a wonderment of words designed to twist the lips. Wordsmiths and beginning readers will love Oh Say Can You Say? and treasure tackling these tangled tongue teasers.
  • Hunches In Bunches (1982) – Go outside, play video games, eat a pizza, do homework? Whether you have a “four-way hunch,” a “nowhere hunch,” or an “up hunch,” Dr. Seuss and his unmistakable one-of-a-kind advice will ensure that readers of all ages won’t get “ga-fluppted.”
  • The Butter Battle Book (1984) – The Yooks and Zooks share a love of buttered bread, but animosity brews between the two groups because they prefer to enjoy the tasty treat differently.
  • You’re Only Old Once! (1986) – A parade of medical madness as an elderly patient is poked, prodded and ogled during his stay at the “Golden Years Clinic on Century Square for Spleen Readjustment and Muffler Repair.”
  • I am Not Going to Get Up Today (1987) – NOTHING is getting the young hero of this easy-reader out of bed-not an alarm clock, roosters, barking dogs, the police, the news media, or the United States Marines!
  • Oh, The Places You’ll Go! (1990) – From soaring to high heights and seeing great sights to being left in a Lurch on a prickle-ly perch, Dr. Seuss addresses life’s ups and downs with his trademark humorous verse and whimsical illustrations.

Dr Seuss died in 1991. The next books were completed by other authors and artists, or were unpublished works.

  • Daisy-Head Mayzie (1995) – Think you know Daisy-Head Mayzie? Think again! With all-new illustrations and a revised plot based on Dr. Seuss’s original screenplay and signature-style sketches, the timeless tale of Mayzie McGrew-a girl who suddenly sprouts a daisy from her head-is sweeter, funnier, and . . . well . . . more Seussian than ever!
  • My Many Colored Days (1996) – Accompanying a manuscript Dr. Seuss wrote in 1973, was a letter outlining his hopes of finding “a great color artist who will not be dominated by me.” The late Dr. Seuss saw his original text about feelings and moods as part of the “first book ever to be based on beautiful illustrations and sensational color.” Illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher
  • Oh, Baby, the Places You’ll Go! (1997) – In simple rhymed verse, author Tish Rabe extolls the joys awaiting newborns when they meet the Cat in the Hat, Horton the Elephant, Yertle the Turtle, the Great Birthday Bird, the Grinch, and twenty-five other beloved Seuss characters.
  • Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! (1998) – Started by Dr. Seuss, finished by Jack Prelutsky, and illustrated by Lane Smith, Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! is a joyous ode to individuality starring unsinkable teacher Miss Bonkers and the quirky Diffendoofer School.
  • The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories (2011) – It’s the literary equivalent of buried treasure! Seuss scholar/collector Charles D. Cohen has hunted down seven rarely seen stories by Dr. Seuss.
  • Horton and the Kwuggerbug and More Lost Stories (2014) – This follow-up to The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories features familiar Seussian faces and places-including Horton the Elephant, Marco, Mulberry Street, and a Grinch.

  • What Pet Should I Get? (2015) – What happens when a brother and sister visit a pet store to pick a pet? Naturally, they can’t choose just one! The tale captures a classic childhood moment-choosing a pet-and uses it to illuminate a life lesson: that it is hard to make up your mind, but sometimes you just have to do it! Written between 1958-1962 and later discovered by Seuss’s wife, Audrey Geisel.

If you like the Dr Seus reading order, you may also want to see our guide to Calvin and Hobbes or to the Owl Diaries. Don’t hesitate to follow us on Twitter or Facebook to discover more book series.

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